Thursday 16 July 2015

As this is a fairly new blog, I thought I would provide an additional post on my interests:

My interests are comprised of gardening, and binge eating at midnight, especially if its pie.  (I truly believe pie is the root of all evil. And possibly the ten pounds I've put on.  But mostly it’s evil, because, really, it's better to blame the pie),

Other than pie and dirt, I enjoy reading trashy novels, and short science fiction stories.  My main interest is raising my 3 year old in a way that does not involve me going completely mental (oops, too late!) and figuring out how to have a life in addition to a child, a mental illness, and a full time job.  I am also interested in my dishes doing themselves if I just wish hard enough - perhaps that qualifies as some sort of existential theory interest?

I also firmly believe in laundry gnomes.  They eat socks, and chew holes in my husband’s underwear.  Revolting, but at least they do it after the clothes are clean. The only alternative is to believe in the existence of some wormhole between my washer and dryer where all the black socks go to die, or into retirement, possibly like some sort of alternate universe sock nirvana.  Because once, (and yes, it did happen once) ALL the laundry was done and I counted the left over odd socks, and I had 28 black ones – and not one of them matched the other.  The only possible explanation is some sort of space-time rupture in my laundry room.  Or the gnomes.

I also realize that me once having all the laundry done is the hardest part to accept about this entire premise.

Talk to you soon,


Addendum - it also occurs to me that a sock-vomiting drawer could be responsible.  (is there only one "t" or two in vomiting?) (Because spelling is the only issue with the probability of a sock-vomiting drawer.  Or anything that vomits socks, really.)

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